Color Meditation One Of The Best Ways To Focus Your Mind And Heal Your Body

By Robert Stevens

There is more and more scientific evidence to support what enthusiasts of yoga, meditating, and other forms of channeling mind body energy have long believed. These exercises are good for you, both mentally and physically. There even seems to be some evidence that meditating can reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Color meditation involves concentrating on the colors of Chakra to improve the mind body connection.

For those unfamiliar with the concept of Chakras, they have their origin in the Indian religions of Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Hinduism cites seven Chakras as specific energy sources. There is an individual color associated with each of the seven. By focusing on the colors of the various Chakras, the individual brings her body, spirit, and mind into balance.

Red is the root Chakra located at the base of your spine. It represents your life force, and when you focus on it you rid your body and mind of anger and frustration. Red stimulates your body and mind and increases circulation. Orange is the sacral Chakra and is located at your naval. It is associated with physical pleasure and creativity. Orange stimulates the nervous system.

Just beneath your breastbone is the yellow solar plexus Chakra. It signifies vitality and mental acuity. Focusing on the yellow Chakra gives you a sense of happiness and optimism. It improves analytical thought. The heart Chakra is associated with green. This is your healing Chakra found right in the middle of your chest. Concentrating your attention on green increases a sense of love and peace.

Self-expression and confidence finds its energy source in the throat Chakra. It is represented by blue. The color of the third eye Chakra is indigo. You will find it above and between your eyebrows. Peace of mind is what you may feel by focusing on indigo. A the top on your skull is the crown Chakra represented by violet. Violet is universal consciousness.

When you first start this form of meditating, you probably should concentrate on one specific area. Experts suggest before you begin that you think about the things that of most concern to you. If you are having trouble in a relationship for example, you need to focus on red. People who have a specific physical issues need to meditate on the tone that represents that part of the body.

When you are ready to try all the colors, begin by visualizing a gold light over you. Draw it down and all the way through your body. Once you are completely relaxed, and the light is illuminating your whole being, you can begin to concentrate on the individual Chakras. Start at the root, which is red, and work your way up.

Meditating is a great way to quiet your mind and get relief from the stresses of everyday life. People have been convinced of its value for hundreds of years. It's no wonder that a discipline the focuses the mind, benefits Alzheimer's sufferers.

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