Volunteering To Those Who Are In Need

By Brian Wright

Volunteering for those in need is a very noble thing to do especially if it is done for selfless reasons. Volunteering has gained a lot of fame in the recent past where so many people leave their jobs to go volunteer in developing countries especially. However, not all the needy countries accept volunteers because some volunteers exploit them. They put a lot of measures and prerequisites in order to accept these volunteers.

Some of the reasons people volunteer are, Someone just feel the need to volunteer all the time and cannot explain why or how they started volunteering. Other people say that they were taught to help and so they grew up as part of their daily routines of life long routines to give back to the society. Some of these people are serial volunteers and even resign their day jobs to just do volunteer work.

Some religious people might see this as a calling. Some churches even have departments for helping the needy in the society. Most religions believe that the blessings dwell in the meek in heart and there is a lot of blessings and unfavorable and merited favor in volunteering for those in need.

It is in one of the Islamic pillar that they should help the needy in society and treat them with respect.

Some religions also very keen in giving. In fact most schools for the needy. The physically handicapped, the orphaned, those stricken by natural disasters are formed by the religious organizations. How they raise money to sustain these is by sponsors who are members of these organizations who donate money and food to them. Most religious books also talk widely and emphasizes mostly on helping the poor and the needy in the society. All religions believe that there is some form of blessings attached in giving, helping and volunteering to the less fortunate in the society.

Self actualization is the highest form of need that one can satisfy. It is believed that self actualization is attained when one does something that does not necessarily translate to money but something that satisfies ones soul. Some people help those in need in order to reach a state of self realization and self actualization as a form of therapy and a way of healingWhen people go through a very tough experience or even witness someone going through the same, they might change and see the needy in a different way. Some people believe that going through a tough experience in order for nature to teach them how to treat the less fortunate in the society.

Some clubs also make it mandatory for members to engage in a form of volunteer work. This might be seen a s a way of doing corporate social responsibility.

Some colleges also make it mandatory for students to volunteer some hours as a prerequisite for graduating. This might be seen a seeing coerced to volunteer but most of the people who under go these system might change their perception towards volunteering

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