The Best Child Abuse Speakers

By Rosella Campbell

The spectrum of raising children is a wide and sometimes confusing and frustrating field. Many care givers are incapable of grasping the basic concepts of loving care for their children. Others are simply incapable of loving another person and see children as a burden or inconvenience in their lives. The very best child abuse speakers are often the surviving adult children of these defective people.

When exploring their histories you will find that they endured the worst kind of treatment at the hands of their parents or other care givers. Children of abusive parents learn how to survive at a very young age. Many suffer beatings, starvation, emotional and even sexual mistreatment and develop strategies for survival that serve to shelter them emotionally and sometimes prevent the mistreatment from happening.

For many years authorities felt that what happened inside a mans home was his business and as a result abuses visited on children and spouses were not reported. Today this unspoken rule can be found in homes of abusers. The children do not speak of the danger they are in because it may bring even harsher punishment if discovered. This danger may come from biological parents, step-parents, siblings or even the foster homes designed to keep them safe.

Some survivors go on to be abusers themselves and perpetuate the same treatment on children or spouses of their own. Others use their life experiences to help others who may be in the same or similar situations. These individuals have been fortunate enough to find help with understanding what has happened to them and to channel that knowledge into programs designed to help others.

By speaking of trauma as well as the successes they have experienced in their lives they hope to motivate those in their audience to follow their path to recovery. Their goal is inspiring others and showing them that they do not need to continue suffering the left over effects of childhood.

By using the abuses of their life to become stronger they have been able to create lives lead by self reliant actions, pursuing literacy and the means to improve their lives and the lives in their communities and society as a whole. By using the strength and tools used as children they share the way they have overcome learned behaviors and reached the goals they have reached today.

Another route the speaker may take is to educate authorities about this problem and how to recognize it in the homes. They present at seminars and conferences nationwide in an effort to make this problem more visible and offer solutions to individuals involved in prevention projects. They supply information for child welfare agencies hoping to make it easier to identify behaviors and traits of abused children so they can be removed to a safer location.

The goal of these advocates is to help stop the cycle of violence in families around the world. They share their stories with their audiences and help others to find solutions to their own private dilemmas. They believe that they have an obligation to those still suffering abuses to speak for them when they cannot speak for themselves.

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