The Secret According To Experts On Senior Citizen Fitness

By Jocelyn Davidson

There are some people who think that the aged must save their strength and just lie down. They are wrong. Maintaining an active lifestyle is not just for the young, because the more we get older the more we do need to stay fit.

An active lifestyle strengthens the heart and the lungs, promotes better blood pressure and bone density, improves digestion and mood, and boosts the immune system. According to the experts on senior citizen fitness, exercise does not only counter the tendency of the body to slow its metabolism, but it also lessens the impact of disease and illness. It will also develop your posture, reflexes and body coordination, preventing falls and mishaps. Risks of dementia, memory loss, and cognitive impairment are also greatly reduced, giving you a sharper mind if not even wiser.

It is good to begin with cardio workouts. These exercises improve endurance as you repeatedly move those muscles over a period of time. These are the exercises where you can really feel your heart beating and will even leave you a little breathless, but they are also often the most enjoyable. Eventually, you will find that you were not as out of breath as the last time you did those laps in the swimming pool, making you less lethargic and closer to indefatigable.

Stretching before your cardio workout is not only the best warmup exercise there is, but it also promotes flexibility. Usually developed best with yoga, it keeps your body limber and supple, less injury prone, and allows you to have a longer range of movement. The grandchildren would not hear cracking joints from grandpa and grandma anymore when they come over to play.

Power training comes after your cardio exercises. Building up your strength with weights and elastic bands creates a more bone mass and muscle, and prevents atrophy. You can carry something or do a little lifting from time to time, and add more weight when you are ready.

Once you have made this fitness program as sacred as a blood oath, you will feel more confident and independent as you can do your daily tasks much easier and as if you never really aged. You do not even need a gym instructor. Even if you are stuck at home, there are plenty of things you can do as exercise.

Start slow, and review health concerns that may affect your workout. Commit to your schedule until it becomes a habit. Thrice or four times a week is fine to keep your body active, and focus more on the short term goals of exercising such as keeping a great mood throughout the day.

Diet should also be well rounded and balanced so as to build a stronger immune system. Do consult your physician if you have any dietary restrictions before you go ahead with your plan. Should you have any problems with your fitness routine, such as chest pain, shortness of breath or dizziness, never hesitate to call your doctor immediately.

Staying active in our wiser years is the best thing we can give to ourselves after years of giving in to the world. Now is the soonest time to do it. Exercise does not only give you a body to create new memories with but also a brilliant and sharp mind to store all those treasures and think up novel ones.

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